Exhibitor Details
Stand number: 4
Rue Paul Sabatier
22300 Lannion
iXFiber is a leading independent manufacturer of active and passive specialty optical fibers, components based on Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) technology, and subassemblies modules for a diverse range of industries: Telecom, Sensing, Defense, Space, Fiber Laser, Harsh Environment…
Our main products are:
- Rare earth doped fibers (Er, Yb, Tm, Nd, Er/Yb…), Double clad fibers for fiber laser application, PM Gyroscope fibers for terrestrial and space application, Polarization Maintaining fibers (PM fibers), Photosensitive fibers, Planar waveguide fibers, Ultra High Numerical Aperture fibers (HNA Fibers), Custom design fibers,…
- Preforms
- Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG): Laser Diode Stabiliser, Sensor (Temperature, strain…), Gain Flattening Filter, Miror Cavity for Fiber Laser, DWDM filter, Chromatic Dispersion compensation filter
- Long Period Gratings
- Active doped fibers subassemblies
Innovative products in term of Specialty Optical Fibers and Fiber Bragg Gratings.
Capability to design, develop and manufacture custom products.
Capability to develop specific products using both technologies: Fiber and components.
Space qualified Product. Harsh environment (radiation) qualified products.
Field of business:
Telecommunication, Defense, Space, Industrial, laboratory, Sensor
Stand number: 4
Route de Nozay
DATA IV - Bâtiment E1
91460 Marcoussis
Photline Technologies produces Optical Modulation Solutions based on the company lithium niobate modulators, RF Electronic Modules & Optical Modulation Units & Transmitters. We serve the markets of optical telecommunications, defense & aerospace, sensing & instruments, fiber lasers & research.
Products and services:
- Intensity and Phase Modulators up to 40 Gb/s - 40 GHz , for wavelength from 800 nm to 2.0 µm
- RF Amplifiers and Modules up to 40 GHz
- Custom Modulation Units and Transmitters
- High Data Rate Modules
Field of business:
- Sensing and Instruments
- Optical Telecommunication
- Defence -Space
- Fiber Laser -Laboratories